Monday 16 November 2015

TICCA Christmas function 2015 - December 7.

Dear members and friends of TICCA

Another year has rushed by and I do hope it has been good for you.

It has been decided to hold a joint Christmas function with the Australia Indian Travel and Tourism Council (AITTC). On this occasion all the hard work has been done by Phillip Boniface. Here is his message;

Hello All,

It’s that time of the year to celebrate and remember the good times of the year gone past and get excited for the oncoming New Year and most of all to party!!!

We would love to have you join us for our annual get together and welcome to bring along guests.

Chef/ Owner Farzan Comtractor. Picture: Ward Adam
The Sage Indulgent are run by young entrepreneurs (knowing them and been there before), they have offered us a good deal and promised an enjoyable evening and mix menu. (read review)

Do note it is a Licensed venue and alcoholic drinks are payable direct on the day (they will charge reasonably). Kick off time is 6.30 pm to 9.30 pm.

As you will appreciate it is a busy time for restaurants and they have requested for numbers as soon as possible, so your early response will be appreciated.

We look forward to seeing you all on Monday 7th December.

Kind regards.

Phillip Boniface – Manager - Helloworld Carlingford

Bookings, advice of e-banking and cheques must be received by Tuesday 1st December.

Payment can NOT be made on the night. Please confirm your attendance, e-banking, or unavailability by e-mail to

Please make cheque payable to M. Osborne. Send to TICCA POB 236 Rosebery NSW 2018

E-banking: ANZ: M J Osborne Acc#: 219909737. Bsb: 012303.

Should any member or guest have any product they would like to donate for our LUCKY DOOR prizes, please advise Chairman MO on the above email address.

Check out our web site:

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