Thursday, 4 December 2014

TICCA Christmas Curry - put some pep in your stocking

Ho! Ho! Ho! Christmas time already and to make our end-of-year function even more enjoyable, IICCA has joined with the Australia India Travel & Tourism Council (AITTC), for a very special night.

Save the date – Tuesday 16th December, 2014

6.00pm for 6.30 start

The Venue – The Colonial Restaurant - British Indian Cuisine.

118 Crown Street, Darlinghurst NSW 2010. Near the corner of William Street.
Cost – Only $35 per head, for members, guests and Friends of TICCA.
Included will be a delicious curry feast. Beverages will be at your own expense.
Numbers are limited so please book and notify early.
Any food and or drink ordered that’s not organised by TICCA – AITTC must be paid for separately.
Bookings, advice of e-banking and cheques must be received by Friday,12th December.
Payment can NOT be made on the night. Please confirm your attendance, e-banking, or unavailability by e-mail to    
Please make cheque payable to TICCA. Send to TICCA POB 236 Rosebery NSW 2018
E-banking at Credit Union Australia BSB 804050, Acc #30757073
I .........................................................................will attend the TICCA - AITTC Curry Banquet and will bring ……......................................guests.
Guest Name(s): .................................................................................
Please find enclosed a cheque for $…….... Or I have e-banked funds.................under this name............................on................................................ Signature…………………...…

Should any member or guest have any product they would like to donate for our LUCKY DOOR prizes, please advise Chairman MO on the above email address.