Thursday 14 November 2013

Curry Buffet Dinner on board the Captain Cook Cruise Ship

The Travel Industry Curry Club of Australia

and the

Australian India Travel and Tourism Council

invite you

Curry Buffet Dinner on board the Captain Cook Cruise Ship, Sydney 2000, in the Endeavour Room.

On Wednesday 4th December departing King St wharf at 7.30pm, boarding sharp at 7pm, returning at 10pm.

Only $35 per head, beverage available at own cost.

RSVP by email – by Friday 29th November

Please make cheque payable to;
TICCA PO Box 236 Rosebery NSW 2018

Or direct deposit to;
Credit Union Australia – TICCA - BSB: 804 - 050 A/C: 3075 7073
by Friday 29th November 2013

Please indicate company and individual names for all deposits on your email.