Saturday, 27 February 2016

A Celebration of Life Curry at Spice I Am

Tuesday 15th March – 6.30 for 7.00
A Grand Thai Curry Evening - What better way to celebrate the memories of Tom King, the driving force on the forming of TICCA and Frank Newall, who was a committee member from  almost day one.

And Spice I Am, at 206/300 Victoria  Road, Darlinghurst opp the Fire Station and near the Coca Cola sign is the ideal venue. Sujet and John have designed a sumptuous banquet that will delight your tastebuds.
Kay King who will be our special guest on the night, has generously supported the dinner, as she wants to commemorate the year since Tom left us. Kay’s support includes paying $10 per head off the cost of the meal.

The cost per head is now only $35 for the food. House reds and whites are, on the night available at the special price of $25.

Sujit has offered a signed copy of his famous cook book as a major door prize.

Please make a special effort to attend, AND BRING ALL YOUR FRIENDS; we want to make this AN EXTRA SPECIAL EVENT.

Bookings, advice of e-banking and cheques must be received by Friday 12th March.

Payment can NOT be made on the night. Please confirm your attendance, e-banking, or unavailability by e-mail to

Food ordered that is not part of our menu must be paid for.

Please make cheque payable to M. Osborne. Send to TICCA POB 236 Rosebery NSW 2018

E-banking: ANZ: M J Osborne Acc#: 219909737. Bsb: 012303.

Should any member or guest have any product they would like to donate for our LUCKY DOOR prizes, please advise Chairman MO on the above email address.

Check out our web site: /

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